Getting Your Health Back On Track 

Interview with Amber Hankins about the end of the summer and re-prioritizing our health. All of us have had a busy summer with lots of things going on and we some times lose track of our health and fitness goals. Take the time to make your health a priority again and work to improve your diet and meet your fitness goals. CLICK HERE for a link to the video from the segment.

Packing a Healthy School Lunch - Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Interview with Tracy Forner about Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and tips on putting together a healthier school lunch for your kids. Everyone has headed back to school and taking some time to make sure that your child's lunch box is filled with healthy food options helps with their academic success. Aim to include a variety of colorful foods (plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains) and include some low sugar snacks for after school as well (granola bars or popcorn). To watch the segment, CLICK HERE and also check out my latest blog write up.