Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

It is hard to believe that 2019 is coming to an end. It has been quite the year. I am always amazed when I look back over the year of all the amazing things that I was able to accomplish. This year was no exception. I am so thankful for so many wonderful opportunities and connections that I have made and strengthened over the last year.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and follow along my journey on social media. It means so much to have your support and have this opportunity to get to share nutrition information with you all. Hopefully you find it helpful and have appreciated the things that I have shared.

Here’s to another amazing year in 2020 and I can’t wait for some more amazing adventures and new challenges. Please, stick around for the ride and follow along for some neat opportunities that will unfold in the next several months.


Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to share our Christmas card with you for 2017. I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and thank you for taking time over the last year to read my blog. I have really enjoyed having a place to share nutrition advice and wellness information with you all. It is so great to have a platform to share from and I am glad that you all take the time to read what I write. It is amazing to see how this blog has changed over the years and I am eager to see what the future holds.

Hope you have had a wonderful holiday season and a very blessed New Year! Looking forward to a great 2018! 

christmas card 2017.jpg

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

I wanted to make sure that I shared a post on Christmas to wish everyone, who takes the time to read this blog, a very Merry Christmas and hope you have a wonderful holiday season! I know I appreciate everyone who follows along and reads what I have to share on RD Anna. It means so much and I hope that you find the information helpful/insightful. 

I had to share our Christmas card this year with you all! Our little chihuahua did a great job during our maternity photo shoot back in October.